Free Mobile Phone Ministry Training

Kenya resident Peter Murigi enrolled at Christian Leaders Institute for Free Moble Phone Ministry Training Online! Here is his story…

Free Mobile Phone Ministry Training  – Peter Murigi’s Story

My name is Peter Murigi,I live in Kenya,Nakuru.Am fifth son of margeret who has eight childrens and my dad is unknown to me. God gave me pastoring ministry to serve and edify the body of christ in apostolic faith church at Bahati, under overseer John,and these i rejoice in the lord. The CLI has worked unto my christian life,since i googled for study using my phone unto these far am today and surely God has been good to me.I really apreaciate all mentors principle and character that has mentored in me,oh yes! God bless all.Okey,my life as christian and my call started when God apperead me in a dream while in class four,and was lead in by Bishop munyua at late 1994 at new testament church.That time mum could not believe a vision of 14 years boy.she was wine seller and only me was a christian in our family at that time.Now am 35 years and still i hear from God for direction and also to know more about leadership. Iam husbard and father of two sons.


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