
Free Life Skills Class – Become a Stronger and Healthier You 

by Professor: Dr. David Feddes

You are part of God’s special operations. Your mission is to reclaim the world for Christ. You have been saved and called to help. This class is about helping you to become a stronger and healthier you. This free life skills class is perfect for living a more confident and healthy life!

This free life skills class gives you Biblical insights and practical knowledge that make you stronger for your mission. Each topic is applied to your spiritual, physical, financial, intellectual, emotional, relational, and vocational dimensions of life.

Dr. David Feddes will bring you through the crucial areas of total fitness for you to thrive in leading others.

You will Learn and Grow in this free life skills class 

  1. Total fitness: hear God’s call to embrace practical wisdom and discipline for strengthening the whole person.
  2. Spiritual fitness: draw near to God and stand stronger against Satan through spiritual disciplines.
  3. Physical fitness: know why the body matters to God, improve bodily health, and use body language well.
  4. Financial fitness: earn a good living, escape debt, build wealth, honor God and bless others with money.
  5. Intellectual fitness: build healthy curiosity, sharp thinking, lifelong study, and courage to stand for truth,
  6. Emotional fitness: learn to face feelings honestly and discover God working through emotions.
  7. Relational fitness: heal from past relational wrongs and wounds, and interact with others in a wise and godly manner
  8. Vocational fitness: pursue God’s calling for job, career, and other tasks.

You are welcome to take this free life skills Class supported by generous vision partners. These vision partners include blessed Christian Leaders Institute Graduates, Kingdom-minded Christians and Foundations, and others.

Begin your free life skills course now! You will begin by taking a Getting Started Orientation class. Then you are encouraged to enroll in the Christian Leaders Connection Class which helps you get situated at Christian Leaders Institute. You are also free to immediately take this Total Fitness class by Dr. David Feddes.

Other Opportunities:

More Ministry Training Classes and Programs -These Ministry training programs will fuel your calling and increase your impact. Gather digital mission credentials or order official awards. These credentials are perfect for local ministry opportunities and ordination.

Ordination – Completing free classes opens you up to an ordination opportunity that is both locally and globally recognized with the Christian Leaders Alliance. Check out how you can become an Ordained Christian Leader. Low fees apply for ordination packages.

College Degree –  Earn your College Degree – Use your Christian Leaders Institute free classes for collegiate credentials. Earn certificates, diplomas and degrees. Low administration fees apply.


“I thank God for Christian Leaders Institute.  The ministerial guidance I have received so far is unlike anything I have been able to find in over ten years of full time ministry.  I trust by the good providence of the Lord and the able leadership of the CLI staff, I will be able to reach my God-given destiny.”   

Ministerial Training And Guidance Received In East Africa

I met the Lord Jesus in 1980 when I was in the first year of my secondary school. In my country, we have a culture of initiating boys to manhood when they complete class 8, as they transition to secondary school. This rite of passage to manhood often makes the young adults big headed,  I wasn’t an exception. Fortunately for me however, the Lord Jesus Christ saved me from the obvious results of my rebellion. I may be alive today, because I made that decision.

I joined the school Christian Union (CU), a student body that endeavors to motivate the gospel experience. I immediately developed such a close fellowship with the Lord Jesus, that for the next three years of secondary school, all my lunch breaks were done either in the church or in the park doing open air preaching. This practice enabled me to develop Christian leadership qualities early on in my life.

When I finished my O levels,  my brother-in-law, who was at the University of New Delhi (India), heard of my performance (I was the best in my school) and worked out an admission for me to the University of Central India.  So by the great providence of the Lord, I did my undergraduate course work there.  During this time I became a member of the Pilgrim Christian Fellowship, an association of the AIC India (African Christian Association). In the first year I served as secretary and helped organize conferences, open air meetings and out-reaches within the city. In a short time we became known as the ‘Yeshu Walas’ (JESUS’ PEOPLE) in the city of Jabalpur (MP State).

God enabled me to finish my studies and in 1988, the government of Kenya gave me a job as an accountant in the office of the president. During my tenure in the government, the Lord rebuked me sharply for copying the ways of the world and for compromising my integrity. Everything turned around for me though the night of  June 30,1993; I decided I couldn’t hide again and I made a vow to trust God for my life and Christian integrity. Thereafter, all of heaven opened up and God started speaking to me.

The first clear voice of God in my heart was, “Go and begin the Christ Co-workers Church in Meru” (my town). I didn’t belong to this church but I obeyed and did exactly that. I am glad I did because henceforth, my life took a leap in the supernatural. My ministry thrived and more instructions followed. The most exciting of these was the idea to visit Israel by road using the Great North Road that passes through Africa. Through this initiative, I was miraculously able to form the ‘Voice of the Prophets Ministry’. This was an initiative to propagate and sensitize my country men for the need to seek God for revival. We believe that Isaiah 18:1 and Zephaniah 3:10 are promises for revival in Kenya.

I followed  the Lord again to Dubai. By the grace of God, I founded a church and pastured it for three and half years, now I am on the slopes of the tallest mountain in Africa, the Kilimanjaro. Here I believe I shall see Africa saved.

I thank God for Christian Leaders Institute.  The ministerial guidance I have received so far is unlike anything I have been able to find in over ten years of full time ministry.  I trust by the good providence of the Lord and the able leadership of the CLI staff, I will be able to reach my God-given destiny.

Free Online Ministerial Training Like No Other

Come and be a part of the most challenging and fulfilling work of advancing the Kingdom of God! Find full support by us here at Christian Leaders Institute with preparing you for the ministry field under our ministerial program. At no time during your training will you be required to pay for your ministerial courses. We are absolutely free! But please, if you feel God leading you to donate to keep our school free for all, consider making a free will offering. It is considered as tithing, but still never a requirement for ministerial training. If you would like to be a part of our CLI family, click here to enroll. Share the message of Jesus with others. Strengthen your faith and biblical knowledge in the process. God bless!

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hospice ministry training

“Deep down I knew that this was not my path. I have always loved to help those that need it the most. From teaching to preaching to those that are in need. Those that are lost. I feel that I am being led to take Hospice Ministry training. A few weeks ago I broke down crying in prayer begging God to help me find a way to get out of my awful job and find a way to minister. A few day later I was fired and I found Christian Leaders Institute. I certainly can’t afford school right now, I’m not even sure how we are going to live, but I know I can pursue God’s will and He will provide.”      – Kristin Lozano, student of CLI

Hospice Ministry Training- Growing In Faith

My name is Kristin Lozano and I reside in The United States with my husband Aaron and 3 young children. Christianity has always been a part of my life, the church that I was raised in, I was married in and all of my children were baptized in. I can’t say I never stepped away from my faith, I hit my teen years, went away to school, took a career in the service industry, it all sucked out my time and faith.

I still struggle with my career choice, working in service means working weekends, holidays and no set hours making it difficult to ensure a weekly Sunday morning trip to church. I had completely lost my connection with God. I knew I wanted it, but I lost it. Then I got pregnant with my last child, my son, I already had two children, girls but we really wanted the boy. Six weeks into my pregnancy my umbilical cord became separated and we could have possibly lost him. I was put on bed rest. For the first time in six years, I was not working. I only left the house to go to church on Sundays. After he was born I stayed home for a year. I continued attending church. I was nominated to become a Deacon and was ordained as a Deacon. I loved going and visiting those who couldn’t attend sharing and sharing the word. I would bring the kids. It was good for them and it always made the shut in happy.

Then I had to go back to work, financially we could not sustain ourselves. I continued to Deacon and remain active in the church because I went back to work in a reduced capacity, but that was not able to last long. After two years I am back where I started. I had to find another church that offered services on alternative days so that my children and I can attend when possible.

My husband and children are supporting my studies. Through the teachings, we are growing in our faith. We are learning more and more that church is not just about “Sunday’s” but our daily walk with God. My children and I are praying and reading from the kids bible at night and having discussions before bed now. For the short time I have been in CLI’s hospice ministry training, I feel like I have grown a great deal in my walk and it feels great.

Enroll And Begin Hospice Ministry Training

Join us here at CLI for your opportunity to receive hospice ministry training

for absolutely free and online!!

Click here to enroll! Begin training immediately!

Why wait? Take the course at your pace!

God Bless!

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christian leaders institute training

“I was so excited to find Christian Leaders Institute training. Actually I was lead to it by the Holy Spirit. It’s the only possible way that I can receive the training I need to do His work. I am so grateful to Christian Leaders Institute training for the opportunity to gain the tools that God wants me to have. As I begin His work I have submitted a picture of my family and I. They loved me so much that they could no longer stand to see me destroy myself in addiction. Please help me pray that God will reconcile me back to them, if it be His will. Of all my regrets, it is the one that breaks my heart the most.
God Bless you all!”           – Michael Callison, student of CLI

Christian Leaders Institute Training- Testimony of CLI Student Michael Callison

My name is Michael Callison and I live in Lake Isabella, California. Life for me in the beginning was the absence of childhood. My first memories were of violence, pain, and despair. My mother married 9 times and each stepfather was more violent and abusive then the last. By the time I was 12, all I knew was that I no longer wanted to feel the pain and suffering I had known all my life. I was somehow born knowing that this was not how life was intended to be. I also knew without a doubt, that everything around me was somehow connected by divine creation. I had been allowed to spend a month or two going to Sunday school and was given the basics of God and His Son Jesus Christ, but was removed and not allowed to return.

So at 12, I turned to the streets for comfort and escape from the abuse. I immediately turned to drugs like so many do in an effort to suppress those feelings. For the next 39 years I remained an addict living in and through the most horrible forms of darkness imaginable. Through my years of addiction I would often cry out to God and ask for deliverance but it never came.

What I know today is that He had a perfect plan for my life. In 2003 I began to want to get well, but it was like being a rope in a spiritual tug-of-war. I hadn’t been abandoned, but I was unwilling to yield my addiction to Him by having faith in His Son Jesus Christ. I had no conception of what it meant to have a personal relationship with Him. For forty years I lived in a thought system of fear which was ruled by my ego. My ego believed that it was separated from God and therefore was unable to know God. It could only question His existence. I was truly an agnostic believer in God. I believed He existed, but I doubted that He could save me. On May 14th of 2014, I was on deaths doorstep. I had relapsed 11 times in the past 10 years and had given up all hope. I accepted that I would die in this illness, and quite frankly, I was so tired of wanting to get well and failing. After 47 day at the Salvation Army, I went back to Lake Isabella to stay with the only friend who had not given up hope for me. That was the day, while sitting under a tree crying and reaching out to God in a way I had never done, that I loudly, heard the audible voice of God.

I was told to stay there where He planted me. I was told to go to Faith Community Church and enter into discipleship under Pastor Scott, who had previously tried to help me. I was told to enter a well known recovery program that was divinely written by Him and attend every day. The last thing He said was, “Michael, I want you to tear down the fence that has been in your life. A fence that has separated you from me. Your life will be in the service for Me and I will transform you into the man I want you to be. If you ever rebuild that fence Michael, I will call you home to me.” It has been almost 180 days and I am unrecognizable to people who know me. I am a student of the Word. My life is dedicated to being obedient to Him and what ever He would have me do.

Begin Your Christian Leaders Institute Training

Join us today if you’re not already a student with CLI! We would love to see how God is working in your life! With Christian Leaders Institute training, we remain our ministry training as 100% free and available online. Click here to enroll!

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