Free Formal Education

Never Too Old To Get A Free Formal Education and Serve Our Lord!

My name is Dan Fisher. I currently live on the east coast of the United States but was born what was at the time a small town in Northern California. I have discovered that no matter your age you are never too old to get a free formal education or serve our Lord.

I grew up in a Christian home thanks to my parents. The church was very important to them as well as was a wholesome family life. We were attending a Baptist Church for several years, and I can remember when I was in 5th grade something came over me. Not immediately but over a two-Sunday time frame. As Baptists do, (thank our good Lord), the minister gave the invitation to accept the Lord into my heart. Honestly, I was scared. That first of two Sundays I couldn’t bring myself to step forward. I was crying inside. I knew I needed to do something with my young life, but was not ready to make that commitment. The second Sunday came, the invitation was given and I was ready…and I was crying with joy on the outside this time! From that day and for many years, I knew I was God’s special child.

After high school, I joined the U.S. Navy. I even became a Chaplain’s Assistant. Then I got married and my wife had two wonderful children. It was during this time that I received the calling from God to go into His ministry. For financial and other reasons, it just wasn’t possible for me to quit my job and attend a Bible college. I was, however, able to teach Sunday school and work with the church youth for a time.

As time passed, I unfortunately slipped away from the Lord. I feel very bad about that, and I know I’m not alone, but that doesn’t make it right. Thank the Lord for “Saving Grace.” What I found in my life was that if we do not keep our eyes on the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, we become attached to other things, such as money, reputation, gluttony, etc. We know the list goes on. I fell into that trap in my life. You know, it’s funny, (not really); I thought of myself as a good person, but now as I look back, I see what a horrible person I was, and just imagined God crying because of how I had turned out. I feel ashamed.

Prayer and studies brought me to the point where I am at now. I’m almost retired, can’t afford but would dearly love a Christian education. Christian Leaders Institute seems to fit the picture! My new bride has an uncle who is a minister in the Philippines and we are working on a plan where I can go over there on a missionary trip. I am so excited.

So, my desire is to earn a degree from CLI with its free formal education. I want to fulfill the Lord’s calling in whatever capacity He leads me to. I could not afford to work on this if it wasn’t for CLI and those that support its mission of providing a free formal education. The bottom line is this: I want to be a part of leading people to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I’m just an ordinary person, hoping to be used of God, however and wherever He chooses.


Learn how you and Dan can become Ordained at Christian Leaders Alliance

1 reply
  1. George Fabian
    George Fabian says:

    Indeed, it’s a wonderful thing to serve the Lord. I would love to attend CLI , I am from Nigeria, in a few months I will be through with my Engineering degree, and I want to pursue the call. I would love it if I’m considered to partake in ministry school and be ordained as a minister of our Lord Jesus Christ

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