Evangelistic Pastor Training

Evangelistic Pastor Training

My name is Matthew Kennard and I am receiving evangelistic pastor training. I live in the United States of America. I am married and have one child. I am in a band called Waymark. We have traveled and ministered to groups for five years. I did not grow up going to church, though there is a church on almost every corner. I played sports most of my life. In middle school, without any direction in my life, I started to get into trouble and living a rebellious lifestyle. When I was 19, a friend of mine asked me to go to church with him. They were having a revival with an evangelist from out of state. During this revival, God spoke to me through His Word; I repented and made a commitment to Jesus. I have not been the same since.

My pastor instructed me immediately to get into the word of God and to start reading it for myself. I began reading and praying on a daily basis. It was years later, after building my relationship and time spent with God, one on one, that I felt God calling me into the ministry. Scriptures began to relate to each other and I started to share what I was learning with my friends and church. My church has always been supportive and has allowed me the opportunity to preach in various services. While traveling locally with my band, God has opened doors to share His Word. I have wanted to go to Bible School for some time now but found it to be expensive and difficult to do with a full-time job and family. That is why I like Christian Leaders Institute. They make it extremely affordable and you can do the work at your own pace.

During this first class, I noticed God stirring an even greater desire in me for the His Word. Already, CLI has given me important tips to aid in my study of God’s word and not just His word, but in prayer as well. I see myself as a mix between a Pastor and Evangelist because there is a lack of the functionality of the churches in my area and I could be of good use in both of these offices. I see myself as a Pastor in the sense that the Church needs a good foundation laid, on which it can stand. I see myself as an Evangelist because, after building up a church, I would want to travel and be part of building up other churches. Part of my calling is to raise and mentor leaders in the church. A scholarship at CLI is important to me in this evangelistic pastor training because this institute can solidify the tools, guidance, and instruction I desire to thoroughly fulfill this calling.

Please pray for me that “The Father of glory would give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him, that the eyes of my understanding may be enlightened (Eph. 1:17,18 MeV)…that I may reveal it clearly” (Col. 4:4 MeV) for His glory, and for His Kingdom, to the saving of the lost and the building up of the found. Thank you and God bless.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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