Evangelism Mission

Evangelism Mission

My name is Yitagesu Mulugeta and I have an evangelism mission. I am from the Northern part of Ethiopia and I was born on October 17, 1983, in a place called Zuti. I once was a religious person but didn’t know anything about the real life that I could have until that historical day when I was born again. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was 15 years old. Ever since that night, I have been hungry to serve the Lord. I was so bold, I would speak about the good news to everybody, even if it was risky to preach the gospel. After a year, some of our church’s choir members asked me to join them and serve the Lord with them, and I was very happy to. Ever since that time I have been in ministry.

I came to America 10 years ago on March 8, 2008. Right now I am ministering in the church through worship and leading the young adult group. I see myself as a missionary and evangelist. For this evangelism mission, vision, and dream, Christian Leaders Institute has been helping me right from the beginning. I learned a lot about communication, leadership qualities, prayer, Bible study, and so much more. I am sure that I will learn more and more while I keep taking the CLI training.

My wife and I have the same evangelism mission and vision for our people where we were born and raised. Most of them are Ethiopian Orthodox and Muslims. The born-again Christian number is not even 2%. So this is our opportunity and method to address those people who live in the dark:

1. Preaching the good news by using one-to-one witnessing and crusades.
(By the way, my wife and I went there in 2016 to hold a big crusade and it was a powerful time).
2. Helping the poor and orphaned children (right now we helping 25 children).
3. Giving different kinds of training for the pastors and leaders about how to spread the gospel with knowledge and wisdom.
4. Building institutions like schools, hospitals, and clinics.

With God’s grace, we will continue this evangelism mission and vision as long as we exist on the earth. Thank you, CLI!

Learn about local ecuministry ordination with Christian Leaders Alliance.

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