Evangelism Ministry Calling

Evangelism Ministry Calling

I was born in 1971 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. I got saved in 1978 at my church when I was 8 years old. I grew up going to church, and as a child, I loved to play church with my dolls pretending I was the pastor. At the age of 15, God put an evangelism ministry calling on my life. Two weeks before my 18th birthday in 1989, my church was in revival when I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. I had one close friend throughout my high school years who would go to church with me sometimes. I also would invite my baby sister and all her friends. I started being involved in my church by working in the nursery, teaching Sunday school, and singing a song up front once in a while. God called me here to Oklahoma, USA, in August of 2013. I met my husband right away and married in November of that same year. I am very excited about what God is doing in my life.

I had a dream when I was very young about the state of Oklahoma but never thought God would take me there miles away from my home and my family. It has always been a desire of mine to fulfill God’s plan but now that I just turned 47 years old in February I am learning to listen to and obey God.

This class at Christian Leaders Institute has helped me to gain more understanding of the call God has on my life and it has helped me to grow in my faith. I continue to feel the evangelism ministry calling on my life. The world needs Jesus and I love to share Jesus and show people his love.

I struggle most when I am not prepared and my pastor asks me if I have something to share. However, then I get to step out of my comfort zone to let God use me in these times. My church does not really know about my calling because I haven’t said much yet. But my pastor always encourages me to step out in faith and do what God wants me to do. He gives me the opportunity to share what’s in my heart either by speaking, singing or testifying.

Having a scholarship at CLI is very important to me because it shows my desire to learn more and grow in knowledge and wisdom of God in this life God has given me. I want to leave a legacy for my family and friends after God calls me home.

Learn about local ecuministry training at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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