Closer Walk

Closer Walk With God

I was born and raised in the United States of America and I am developing a closer walk with God. I am married to my husband Reverend Luke for going on four years now and we have four beautiful children. Though not all of them are biologically his, the three oldest are from my previous marriage that ended due to domestic violence. Our ministry thus far has consisted of assisting people in their happiest of times and in their darkest of times. We (my husband and I) officiate weddings, funerals, and other events around our state.

As a very young child, I was adopted. I was raised in the Lutheran church and attended a Catholic elementary school until I was in the fourth grade. I attended a public Middle School and Highschool. When I was 8 years old, I was attending church one Sunday and the Pastor was preaching salvation. There isn’t much that I remember from my childhood, but I do remember that sermon and him telling me just how to be saved. I remember thinking that I wanted that. I wanted salvation and a closer walk with God. That night I went home and after our usual bedtime routine and prayers, I remember the room being dark and I crawled out of bed, got down on my knees and prayed the prayer that the Pastor had guided us to pray. At that very moment, I felt a rush of warm come over me. I felt all the dark leave me and I was filled with something so beautiful that to this day I can’t put words to it.

My ministry dream is to help as many of our couples to be sure that God has chosen them to be married and to guide them in how to be a married couple in Christ. My ministry dream is to help my local church in opening up to the community and allowing a safe place for people who may just need a place to warm up or a warm meal. My ministry dream is to do God’s work, to help when and where I am needed. I desire to share a closer walk with God with those I meet. I want to see a need and fill that need with the love of God shining through me so that others can see and feel God’s love through me to them.After my mother’s passing, I had lost a part of my walk with God and this getting Started Course has renewed my desire to not only walk closer with God but to make it a habit to do so each and every day. It has given me the tools to learn how do be successful and the encouragement to know that I CAN DO IT!!

After my mother’s passing, I had lost a part of my walk with God and this getting Started Course at Christian Leaders Institute has renewed my desire to not only have a closer walk with God but to make it a habit to do so each and every day. It has given me the tools to learn how do be successful and the encouragement to know that I CAN DO IT!!

Learn about ordained minister study programs at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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