Hello and Blessings! My name is Charles Larsen, although I usually go by the nickname “Chuck”. I live in a beautiful area on the western side of the state of Michigan in the USA. Our town is called Grand Haven and is a community blessed with water, sandy beaches and many churches, including the one I attend and am privileged to be an elder at. This church started just over 25 years ago with a handful of people and has grown into a diverse and wonderful church with over 900 people attending on Sunday services.

I would like to say that I have had a strong relationship with the Lord for many years, but alas although I thought myself a strong Christian it wasn’t until we started attending this church about 4 years ago that my relationship with God really blossomed and grew! A recent trip to the Holy Land fueled my passion for Jesus and then “discovering” CLI through a group of friends has served as an important step in my walk with Jesus!

My wife and I are recently retired which allows us to participate more in church activities, small groups, eldership, as well as our bible study and CLI. I am looking forward to learning and increasing my knowledge and personal spiritual education.
Being retired and now on a fixed income, we find it important and wonderful that CLI is an online low-cost way to accomplish these goals. Should I be blessed to be able to proceed to a degree, I feel that this will allow me to achieve these goals within the framework of a regular structured course where the material is accessible, presented in clear and entertaining manners and organized in a progressive way.

I feel that I am fortunate to be supported in CLI work by my wife and a study group, as well as with comfort and support of church leadership. Through my prayers I know that the Holy Spirit will be with me in my studies as well as my Walk and in performing whatever Work God is going to call me to do.

I continue to pray that CLI will further equip me to do His Work and lead me to an even closer and stronger relationship with Jesus!

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