
Christian Leaders Institute will help you advance with your ministry training. As you complete free ministry training classes, your study takes you beyond basic awards of under 30 credit hours to enter our Intermediate Award program. These mission credentials include study from 30-60 credit hours.

Intermediate Award Benefits

  • Qualifies you for many bi-vocational or vocational ministry roles.
  • Opens up more Ordained Minister Roles with the Christian Leaders Alliance.
  • Your Mission Credentials can be converted to Collegiate Credentials through completing our Collegiate Credential Class that admits you into CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.
  • Your Mission Credentials will be recognized by Coach Approach Ministries when our new certification partnership begins in July of 2019. Christian Leaders Ministries is launching a Life Coach Minister ordination program as well.
  • Gives you greater biblical and ministry insights for your own spiritual and ministry growth.

Christian Leaders Institute Intermediate Awards

Getting Christian Leaders Institute Mission credentials can change the course of your life. Completing some courses in a focus area brings you a new level of expertise. That expertise will bring you new options for your life, volunteer work or professional vocation. Do not underestimate the difference accomplishing Mission credentials can have on your ministry calling.

Currently, Christian Leaders Institute offers three areas of Intermediate Award study. We call these areas, Tracks. They are:

  • Ministry Track
  • Christian Enterprise Track
  • Restorative Justice Track: The Restorative Justice Track is found at our Ignite Restoration Website: Click here. The Restorative Justice program exists to give hope for former offenders and others who are doing service in this area. Click here to check out the Restorative Justice Program at Christian Leaders Institute.

Christian Leaders Institute Intermediate Awards

Ministry Track

Intermediate Continuing Ministry Award (30 credits)

The Continuing Ministry Track is the most flexible program of study at Christian Leaders Institute. This is ideal for pastors looking for refresher courses or other Christian leaders seeking personal enrichment.

Intermediate Christian Leaders Award (37 credits)

The Intermediate Christian Leaders Award is perfect for church leaders who have never received formal ministry training. For those seeking ordination, you will find this award advantageous.

  • Christian Leaders Connection – MIN 100 (3 Credits)
  • Ministry Foundations – MIN 101 (3 credits)
  • Christian Basics – THE 101  (3 credits)
  • New Testament Survey – BIB 112 (3 credits)
  • Old Testament Survey – BIB 111 (3 credits)
  • Church and Ministry – MIN 220 (3 credits)
  • History of Christianity – HIS 240 (4 credits)
  • Pastoral Care – MIN 210 (3 credits)
  • People Smart for Ministry – MIN 151 (3 credits)
  • Theology I – THE 210 (4 credits)
  • Theology II – THE 310 (4 credits)
  • Leadership – MIN 320 (3 credits)

Total Credits: 39

Intermediate Chaplaincy Award (40 credits)

Are you called to serve as a ministry chaplain? This Intermediate Award will equip you to serve as a ministry chaplain in your community.

  • Christian Leaders Connection – MIN 100 (3 Credits)
  • Ministry Foundations – MIN 101 (3 credits)
  • Christian Basics – THE 101 (3 credits)
  • Old Testament Survey – BIB 111 (3 credits)
  • New Testament Survey – BIB 112 (3 credits)
  • People Smart for Ministry – MIN 151 (3 credits)
  • Church and Ministry – MIN 220 (3 credits)
  • Pastoral Care – MIN 210 (3 credits)
  • Ministry Care Conversations – MIN 235 (3 credits)
  • PeaceSmart Relationships – MIN 240 (3 credits)
  • Introduction to Chaplaincy – MIN 230 (3 credits)
  • Marriage Ministry – MIN 260 (4 credits)
  • Prayer – THE 350 (3 credits)

 Total Credits: 40

Intermediate Commissioned Minister Award (43 credits)

This Intermediate Award will equip you to serve as a church minister in your community.

  • Christian Leaders Connection – MIN 100 (3 Credits)
  • Ministry Foundations – MIN 101 (3 credits)
  • Christian Basics – THE 101 (3 credits)
  • Old Testament Survey – BIB 111 (3 credits)
  • New Testament Survey – BIB 112 (3 credits)
  • People Smart for Ministry – MIN 151 (3 credits)
  • Church and Ministry – MIN 220 (3 credits)
  • History of Christianity – HIS 240 (4 credits) 
  • Pastoral Care – MIN 210 (3 credits)
  • Theology I – THE 210 (4 credits)
  • Theology II – THE 310 (4 credits)
  • Hermeneutics and Exegesis – BIB 420 (3 credits)
  • Sermon Construction and Presentation – MIN 380 (3 credits)

 Total Credits: 43

Intermediate Ministry Award (48 credits)

Ministry Intermediate Award is a study program that delves deeper into Christian thought and teaching throughout the ages. The courses in this program of study include in-depth looks at ethics and apologetics and feature the writings of such prominent figures as Dr. Francis Schaeffer and Dr. Ravi Zacharias.

  • Christian Leaders Connection – MIN 100 (3 Credits)
  • Ministry Foundations – MIN 101 (3 credits)
  • Christian Basics – THE 101 (3 credits)
  • New Testament Survey – BIB 112 (3 credits)
  • Old Testament Survey – BIB 111 (3 credits)
  • Church and Ministry – MIN 220 (3 credits)
  • History of Christianity – HIS 240 (4 credits)
  • Pastoral Care – MIN 210 (3 credits)
  • People Smart for Ministry – MIN 151 (3 credits)
  • Theology I – THE 210 (4 credits)
  • Theology II – THE 310 (4 credits)
  • Hermeneutics and Exegesis – BIB 420 (3 credits)
  • Sermon Construction and Presentation – MIN 380 (3 credits)
  • Christian Apologetics – THE 320 (3 credits)
  • Christian Ethics -PHI 230 (3 credits)

Total Credits: 48

Intermediate Bible Award (56 credits)

Ministry Intermediate Award is a study program that delves deeper into Christian thought and teaching throughout the ages. The courses in this program of study include in-depth looks at ethics and apologetics and feature the writings of such prominent figures as Dr. Francis Schaeffer and Dr. Ravi Zacharias.

  • Christian Leaders Connection – MIN 100 (3 Credits)
  • Ministry Foundations – MIN 101 (3 credits)
  • Christian Basics – THE 101 (3 credits)
  • New Testament Survey – BIB 112 (3 credits)
  • Old Testament Survey – BIB 111 (3 credits)
  • Church and Ministry – MIN 220 (3 credits)
  • History of Christianity – HIS 240 (4 credits)
  • Pastoral Care – MIN 210 (3 credits)
  • People Smart for Ministry – MIN 151 (3 credits)
  • Theology I – THE 210 (4 credits)
  • Theology II – THE 310 (4 credits)
  • Hermeneutics and Exegesis – BIB 420 (3 credits)
  • Sermon Construction and Presentation – MIN 380 (3 credits)
  • Christian Apologetics – THE 320 (3 credits)
  • Christian Ethics – PHI 230 (3 credits)
  • Biblical Interpretation I – BIB 311 (4 credits)
  • Biblical Interpretation II – BIB 312 (4 credits)

Total Credits: 56

Christian Enterprise Track

Intermediate Workplace Ministry Award (33 credits)

This Workplace Ministry Intermediate Award will help you bring ministry to your work. You will receive a wide range of ministry and business classes in this beneficial and practical certificate.

  • Christian Leaders Connection – MIN 100 (3 Credits)
  • Ministry Foundations – MIN 101 (3 credits)
  • Christian Basics – THE 101 (3 credits)
  • Old Testament Survey – BIB 111 (3 credits)
  • New Testament Survey – BIB 112 (3 credits)
  • People Smart for Ministry – MIN 151 (3 credits)
  • Church and Ministry – MIN 220 (3 credits)
  • PeaceSmart Relationships – MIN 240 (3 credits)
  • Management by the Book – BUS 321 (3 credits)
  • Finite Mathematics – MAT 151 (3 credits)
  • Christian Leaders Enterprise – BUS 101 (3 credits)

Total Credits: 33

Intermediate Enterprise Business Award (34 credits)

This Enterprise Business Intermediate Award comes from a Christian and ministry perspective. It will help you do better in your ministry and enterprise skills.

  • Christian Leaders Connection – MIN 100 (3 Credits)
  • Ministry Foundations – MIN 101 (3 credits)
  • Christian Basics – THE 101 (3 credits)
  • People Smart for Ministry – MIN 151 (3 credits)
  • PeaceSmart Relationships – MIN 240 (3 credits)
  • Management by the Book – BUS 321 (3 credits)
  • Finite Mathematics – MAT 151 (3 credits)
  • Christian Leaders Enterprise – BUS 101 (3 credits)
  • Online Enterprise Marketing – BUS 430 (3 credits)
  • Enterprise Marketing – BUS 330 (4 credits)
  • Introduction to Economics – ECN 201 (3 credits)

Total Credits: 34

Enhanced Workplace Ministry Intermediate Award (47 credits)

The Advanced Workplace Ministry Intermediate Award is for those who want to integrate ministry and their work. This advanced study certificate will equip you in areas of enterprise and ministry.

  • Christian Leaders Connection – MIN 100 (3 Credits)
  • Ministry Foundations – MIN 101 (3 credits)
  • Christian Basics – THE 101 (3 credits)
  • Old Testament Survey – BIB 111 (3 credits)
  • New Testament Survey – BIB 112 (3 credits)
  • People Smart for Ministry – MIN 151 (3 credits)
  • Church and Ministry – MIN 220 (3 credits)
  • History of Christianity – HIS 240 (4 credits)
  • Pastoral Care – MIN 210 (3 credits)
  • PeaceSmart Relationships – MIN 240 (3 credits)
  • Church Planting – MIN 313 (4 credits)
  • Management by the Book – BUS 321 (3 credits)
  • Finite Mathematics – MAT 151 OR College Algebra – MAT 201 (3 credits)
  • Christian Leaders Enterprise – BUS 101 (3 credits)
  • Introduction to Economics – ECN 201 (3 credits)

Total Credits: 47

Enhanced Enterprise Business Intermediate Award (48 credits)

This Advanced Enterprise Business Intermediate Award is a great program for someone who wants a business study from a Christian perspective.

  • Christian Leaders Connection – MIN 100 (3 Credits)
  • Ministry Foundations – MIN 101 (3 credits)
  • Christian Basics – THE 101 (3 credits)
  • People Smart for Ministry – MIN 151 (3 credits)
  • PeaceSmart Relationships – MIN 240 (3 credits)
  • College Algebra – MAT 201 (3 credits)
  • Introduction to Psychology – PSY 121 (3 credits)
  • Management by the Book – BUS 321 (3 credits)
  • Finite Mathematics – MAT 151 (3 credits)
  • Christian Leaders Enterprise – BUS 151 (3 credits)
  • Online Enterprise Marketing – BUS 430 (3 credits)
  • Enterprise Marketing – BUS 330 (4 credits)
  • Enterprise Finance – BUS 420 (4 credits)
  • Business Management for Every Enterprise – BUS 310 (4 credits)
  • Introduction to Economics – ECN 201 (3 credits)

Total Credits: 48

   No Risk. No Money. High-Quality Classes. Study At Your Own Pace.

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