Christian Guidance in South Africa - Rochelle's Story

Rochelle Pedersen strayed from Christianity along her journey in the Western Cape. She later on experienced God’s calling to her to return to Christianity and searched for a solution in seminary without financial or geographical obligations. She found Christian Leaders Institute and enrolled for Christian Guidance in South Africa. Here is her story…

Christian Guidance in South Africa – Rochelle’s Story

My name is Rochelle Pedersen and I live in the Western Cape, South Africa.I grew up in a Christian home and even though I strayed somewhat, I always had God watch out for me.Now,that I’m truly saved,I look back and can see how God’s hand has guided me and protected from so much in the past, going through many troubles as a teenager and young adult.I thank God for coming and saving me at just the right time.
Now living for Jesus I want to tell the world about our Savoir.I want to be a disciple and help make disciples for Jesus.I want to be able to pick up my cross daily and follow my Lord, wherever He leads me. God drew me to discover more about Him.To be able to go anywhere and spread the gospel.This is how my journey started; this is why I was led to wanting to study.I feel that God wants to use me in a wonderful way for His glory.
I want to be able to minister to young and old.I want to be able to explain things and answer questions that could turn unbelievers into believers.I want to live and love like Christ.I want to share scripture and encourage people.I want to show people how Alive The Word truly is, see how Christ speaks through His word to us.I want people to Experience God’s grace and love.
This Institute is giving me an opportunity to accomplish what I feel I’m being led to do.I’m a stay at home mom so I can’t really attend a college, etc.,so this is really God sent.What felt like the impossible is seeming to become a reality.Just this basic course has awakened such a passion inside for our Lord and I’ve learned so much.Sc riptures,principles,the basic things I’ve wanted to know for so many years,it has really been an amazing journey thus far.
I would appreciate it if you could pray for obedience,for guidance and that as I grow and want to learn more,that I stay focused on Christ and why He led me here.Then also just for courage to follow through if it’s God’s will.
Thank you for this opportunity .I hope that I can do many more courses through your institute.
God Bless

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