Christ-Centered Walk

Christ-Centered Walk

I am excited to be on a Christ-centered walk in my life. I am from a family that had our lives centered around God and the church. My father was a minister. And we kids were scrutinized by it seemed everyone. And there were many rules to deal with. I believe that the rules somehow got in the way for me. They hindered me in developing and maintaining a personal relationship with God.

My first personal experience with God that really clicked happened in Vacation Bible School (VBS). I was 12 years old. It was our summer break. We spent that year’s break with my maternal grandmother. She insisted we were going to VBS during the day while she was at work. I had no choice but to go. So I decided that I might as well enjoy it. We were taught so much about God in a way that made sense to me at the time. They taught about the love that God has for us. And how he wants everything good for us. This was taught directed to children my age. And it clicked. At the end of VBS, I decided that I wanted Jesus to become a part of my life. I wanted a Christ-centered walk.

As I got older, things at home changed. When I was 16 sadly, my parents divorced. My father remarried. We moved to another city and the rebellion was on. I started hanging out with all of the wrong people. I thought that the things that they were doing were exciting and fun. Things that I would never have been allowed to do had my family still been together. Things at home were very different. During this time, I began to think that I could create a better life for myself on my own. My life of rebellion against everything that I had learned and lived as a child and teenager lasted 18 years.

In 1986, a coworker asked me to go to a church service with her. She knew a little of my history about growing up as a minister’s daughter. She said that she thought that I would enjoy her church program. After the one time attending with her, I knew that I needed the love of Jesus in my life again. I starting going to church on my own again. I began reading the Bible again. I wanted to learn more and more about God. I started seeking to have a Christ-centered walk in my life. My mindset changed. I started to handle challenges differently.

Yeah, things still happen that are not always good, but they do not affect me in the same way. I am at peace now. I know that God loves me and will protect me. Now, I am excited to be taking Bible classes here at Christian Leaders Institute. I want to keep growing and learning with God on my Christ-centered walk!

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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