Brazil English Ministry Training

Brazil English Ministry Training

Brazil English Ministry Training in now made possible because of the Internet. Milena found this training on a google search. There are not many opportunities to study ministry in Brazil. Here is her story

I’m Milena Rangel Carvalho and I was born in 1998 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
I am currently living in Brazil and by the Grace of God here we’re allowed to spread His Word wherever we want, but unfortunately the country has suffered with many false prophets that use the faith of believers only to get their money. But, hopefully there are also many who are faithful to God and are blessing us with their ministry.

I started living with Jesus when I was 12. I was going to my Mom’s church and there I gave my life to Jesus and accepted Him as my Savior and Lord. Few years later (when I was around 15) I started having experiences with God and knowing more about the ministry calling. Today I know I’m called to the ministry and I want to be as much prepared as I can to be used by God wherever He sends me. My heart is burning for this calling and that’s my dream: to be used by God to bless people and to be a bridge to connect Him to those who are lost.
One of the things I love to do is to read the Bible searching for more information about our God, and these classes have helped me a lot with some aspects I didn’t know very well before. The word Pastor really touches my heart. Being someone who guides a church, is extremely connected to God and always looking for knowing more about the Bible and pursuing wisdom to do the things in a way that pleases Him.

Called to Brazil English Ministry Training

Since I turned 18, God has given me some experiences which have made me realized that, even though I am nothing, God can use me. Even though I have many failings, He is only worried only about my heart. In my geographic area, we have a lot of people that was once a believer but have turned away from the Faith, especially young people who have being deceived by the things of this world and have turned away from God. We also have those who were frustrated with their Christian leaders, and because of this, they have also left the church.

In my Church, we have the habit to read the whole Bible every year, and that’s really helpful to keep us connected to the Word of God, which is usually where He talks to us. The Bible it’s most important guidance I have, specially because in my age I’ve seen that those who live without it are mostly lost and making wrong decisions for their lives.

I love my local church, it has supported me a lot in my ministry and walk with God, it always motivates us to increase our relationship with Him and let our lives be guided by Him. My Family isn’t very supportive of my ministry life, but actually they don’t know a lot about it. I live with my Mom, who is blessing in my life, but my Father doesn’t support me very much in my dreams and He isn’t a follower of Christ yet. I usually just talk about these ministry goals and dreams with my mother.

Called to Brazil English Ministry Training

Unfortunately, in my town, we don’t have many courses like Bible Colleges and Seminaries, and the ones that exist are at night, but I have college at the same time so I can’t be there. Someday, I was looking on the internet and then I found the Christian Leaders Institute and I thought “Oh my God, this is perfect for me! I love English and I want to be prepared for the ministry!”.
I believe the CLI is helping me to know more about the Bible, the leadership, and especially about Revival, and it’s also preparing me to the challenges I might have leading people to Christ.

Please, pray for me to never forget God’s purposes for my life and to always persevere in His Way, and also for my family so they’ll support me more in this area of my life.

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