Biblical Training

Sweden once was alive with Christianity. Belief in God was commonplace. Today less than 10% of the population Biblical Educationconfidently believe there is a God. (Ann Arbor News Report)  While many immigrants to Sweden hold to their belief in God, Swedish nationals are becoming more and more secular.

Some Swedish nationals are staying firm in their belief in God and are called to become pastors and leaders. God can use these leaders to bring revival to Sweden.

Biblical Education is needed in Sweden!

Much of the clergy training in Sweden is even shifting away from theological training (Christianity Today). Biblical education is becoming rare in Sweden. In this setting, students like Mats Jonsson are looking for Biblical education.

Mats Jonsson is a follower of Jesus Christ. He is married to Sarah. Together they have one son named Linus. He’s called to minister in Malmo, Sweden.

Mats Jonsson has sought Biblical education online at Christian Leaders Institute.  Here is his story.

“I a volunteer as an Assistant Pastor/Leader for an international Christian Fellowship for more than 7 years now and I love the diversity in our community but a diversity unified in the love in Jesus Christ.

“We live in the very south part of Sweden in an area which is one of the most secularized parts of Sweden. Around 30% of the people living in Malmo, the third biggest city, are foreign. Mainly people from Denmark, Irak, Bosnia, and Polen, but overall 171 nations are represented in Malmo. Many of these people are coming from Muslim countries, have never heard of the Gospel, are coming from horrible backgrounds, war and conflicts. It is hard reaching these people but we are doing what we can, reaching out, building bridges, connecting.

“My ministry dream is to continue to grow in the knowledge of God in order to be able to help, guide and mentor people in our community.

“I want to continue to build bridges from our ministry/church out into the the society and then create pathways back to our fellowship, I dream and hope to do that here in Sweden or at any other place on earth God wants us to go.”

Biblical education is very important to Mats. Mats wants to use his Biblical education to be prepared to lead in the planting of churches and fellowships.

Mats says, “We, as a family, want more than ever not only to plant churches/fellowships but also to ‘be’ the church. I want to continue to study and get educated to make sure I have a good and strong knowledge in the word of God and get equipped so that I can be able to face the many challenges on the way.”

Mats found the Lord through his wife. His wife brought him to a church that preached Christ as Savior and Lord.

“I was drawn in to the ministry and got saved through my wife. She was the one who took me to church and showed me the way many years ago.”

Now together they are growing in Christ. Mats is getting the Biblical education online that he needs to prepare himself to lead others to the Lord. He is also being prepared to plant churches and bring revival to the nation of Sweden.

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