Aspiring Youth Minister

Aspiring Youth Minister

Hello, my name is Anthony Davison and I am an aspiring youth minister. I am from Fremont, Indiana. Living in the United States has blessed me in being able to practice my faith and worship God in freedom. Having grown up in a religious home, I have always known who God is and who Jesus is. However, I never knew or had the understanding of having a relationship with Jesus. One Sunday while listening to my preacher speak, I felt a pulling at my heart. It was God calling me to Him and to the ministry.

I have spent time listening and praying to God to show me how He wants to use me. I feel Him guiding me and telling me to use the gifts He has given me to spread His gospel to the lost and seeking in this world. With the gifts and experiences I have had in life, I feel that I can reach the youth of my community. I believe that my generation has fallen away from God, so, instead of waiting for someone to change this, I have decided that I am going to do something to change it. That is what led me to Christian Leaders Institute for free ministry training. Not only will the classes I take give me the background knowledge and training to pursue youth ministry, but it will also help me to grow in my walk with Jesus. I know that I will have many challenges and obstacles as I continue down my road to ministry, but with God on my side, nothing can stand against me. Romans 8:31 “What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?”

Go to Christian Leaders Alliance to learn about ordained minister study programs that are offered.

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