My name is D. Zoe Young. I am currently living in India and doing bi-vocational ministry through teaching and reaching out to a local village and tribal area. Previous to this, I was in Turkey and had the opportunity to share a “first Bible moment” with a family of Muslims.

It all started with a phone call and an invitation to go to the UAE to teach Kindergarten.

I sat in my mentors living room and heard the Spirit call to my heart, “Will you tell them about me?”

The answer from my heart was “Yes Lord”.

Four days later I was on a plane to Dubai.

That was four years ago.

From the time I started this course to now many things have changed. I thought I was going to join a church and be an assistant pastor/teacher. I never dreamed that I would be journeying around the world. Even as I began this incredible journey, I didn’t see the ministry that God had already laid out in front of me. It never entered my mind that my teaching profession could lead into a place of ministry. But it has and it is quite amazing to me how I missed that!

I started the CLI courses with the intent of getting the “paper” that seemed to be needed every time I tried to move out into ministry. Having taken these courses (and I intend to keep going) God has revealed so much to me in regards to my ministry calling, my own growth in Him, correction, re-evaluation, and truly a sense of being “re-born”. God used each different course to show me an area of my life that needed some work, or cleaning up. I never thought that courses like this could have such a profound effect on my walk with Christ. I am excited to be an Officiant Ordained Clergy.

There are many things that I do as a bi-vocational missionary that are covered under this ordination, and now I will have the training and the paperwork to add credibility to what I have been doing in the Kingdom work. As I move further down the road of missions, I feel more prepared to face the challenges that will come. I know that even just the growth from taking the courses that I have experienced has been a “mission” all its own.

I am very thankful to all the teachers of CLI for their own dedication, time, and talent that they have lavished on us.

I am looking forward toward the next “unexpected journey”.

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