Free Higher Education – Christian Leadership Degree Program
CLI's Leadership Excellence School presents the Christian Leadership Degree program that utilizes the free higher education courses of Christian Leaders Institute. Together free courses and low fees keep you out of college debt!
Christian Leaders Institute brings you free higher education courses. CLI's Leadership Excellence School has a college degree option for just $2,625 US. Stay out of student debt!
If you are looking for a degree that maximizes opportunities for general employment or general ministry employment, the Christian Leadership Degree program may be right for you!
Enroll now and take free courses. Start today. You will be ushered into an Admissions Course that takes less than two hours to complete that will answer most of your questions.
The Christian Leadership Degree program is designed for great flexibility because this degree program covers general studies, Christian Leadership studies, and specialized concentrations.
General Studies
General studies are subjects like Algebra, History, Management, Sociology, and Science. All Christian Leadership Degrees require these free courses.
Christian Leadership Studies
Christian Leadership Studies are ministry and leadership courses concentrated to strengthen your thinking and skills as a leader impacting everything you do. Free higher education that equips you as a Christian leader is available to you!
Degree Concentrations
Christian Leadership Degree concentrations are clusters of specialized training in a given area of interest. Each concentration requires at least 18 credits of study. That means you will graduate with a Christian Leadership Degree with a concentration in such subjects as ministry or enterprise (business).
The Christian Leadership Degree is designed to be our most versatile degree program with ministry and servant leadership as a primary narrative for your calling.
Christian Leadership Degrees fit many life situations.
Situations such as:
- You are seeking employment in the market place. Most companies will train you in tasks. A large number of employers will find your Christian Leadership Degree as excellent preparation for their employment team.
- You are seeking employment in one of the concentration areas.
- You are seeking a well-rounded program for a ministry leadership position in a church. Since the courses are free and the degree is a low cost, it opens up the possibility for volunteers, part-time or full-time positions in ministry without incurring college debt. The free higher education courses with low administration fees for the college credentials will serve your goals!
- You are called to start a church or house church, your ministry is to lead people to Christ.
- You are called to seek employment in a leadership or management position in a company.
- You are called to start a business, and your business in the New Testament sense is “ministry.” Your products and services bless other image-bearers.
- You are called to serve the Lord in the trades; your work is “ministry” as you use your hands to craft products and services.
- You are called to be a minister or pastor at a church or local “ministry;” your programs and reach lead others to salvation and victory in Christ.
- You are called to be a parent, a stay at home mom or dad, you are called in ministry! You are called to nurture an image bearer in the ways of Christ and of becoming a successful future Christian Leader.
- You have had troubles, now you are on a different path. You are called to ministry. You need to deepen your understanding of the way of ministry and how to become a leader worth following.
Christian Leadership Degrees fit many life situations.
Suitability of the Christian Leadership Degrees at CLI's Leadership Excellence School
- Suitable Bachelor Degree for transfer to Master’s Level programs.
- Suitable as a stand-alone degree for Christian leaders to use in Enterprise/Business, Church and Ministries, and Leadership/Christian service.
- Suitable for home school or traditional high-school graduates who want to get a degree that gives them great versatility before they start a trade or masters level study program.
- Suitable for senior Christian leaders who have time and want to make more of an impact for Christ.

Course Requirements For Leadership Degrees
Associate of Christian Leadership Degree
Requirements: Minimum of 68 credit hours and 2.0 GPA or higher
Are you interested in being an effective servant leader in your area of calling? At CLI's Leadership Excellence School, every calling area is “ministry.” Some call this the Christian world and life view. We call ministry our core value. “Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, ‘If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.’” (Mark 9:35). The Greek word Jesus uses here for “servant” is the word, “diakonos,” which translates as “servant, minister, or deacon”. One of our core values at Christian Leaders Ministries is to become a Christian leader in the sense of being a “minister, deacon or servant.” These free higher education courses are accessed complete online!
Required Courses:
Biblical/Theological Courses (19 credits)
- Christian Leaders Connection (3 credits)
- Christian Basics (3 credits)
- Old Testament Survey (3 credits)
- New Testament Survey (3 credits)
- Church History (4 credits)
- Total Fitness (3 credits)
Professional Studies Courses (17 credits)
- Ministry 101 (3 credits)
- Pastoral Care and Marriage (3 credits)
- People Smart for Ministry (3 credits)
- Church and Ministry (3 credits)
- Christian Leaders Enterprise 101 (3 credits)
- Influence Smart (1 credit)
- Associate of Divinity Degree (1 credit)
General Education Courses (32-33 credits)
- English Comprehension (4 credits) OR Advanced English Writing and Comprehension (4 credits) OR English-Transfer (3 credits)
- Old Testament Literature, History, and Theology (3 credits) OR Literature-Transfer (3 credits)
- Basic Writing (2 credits)
- World History (3 credits) OR World History-Transfer (3 credits) OR U.S. History (3 credits) OR US/National History – Transfer (3 credits)
- Communications 101 (3 credits) OR Communications-Transfer (3 credits)
- Ministry Mathematics (3 credits) OR College Algebra (3 credits) OR College Mathematics-Transfer (3 credits)
- Astronomy (3 credits) OR Introduction to Biology (3 credits) OR Science-Transfer (3 credits)
- Philosophy 101 (3 credits) OR Humanities 101 (3 credits) OR Humanities-Transfer (3 credits) OR Philosophy-Transfer (3 credits)
- Introduction to Psychology (3 credits) OR Social Science-Transfer (3 credits)
- Management by the Book (3 credits) OR Management-Transfer (3 credits)
- Introduction to Sociology (3 credits) OR Introduction to Sociology – Transfer (3 credits)
Bachelor of Christian Leadership Degree
Requirements: Minimum of 129 credit hours and 2.0 GPA or higher
Program Objectives:
Through this program, CLI proposes to prepare students for Christian ministry by offering high-quality classes to teach students academic and practical preparedness.
Therefore, the student who successfully completes this program will be able to be a Christian leader with a Christian Leadership degree.
Required Courses: Minimum of 130 total credits
Associate of Christian Leadership Degree (minimum of 68 credits)
In addition to the requirements for the Associate of Christian Leadership degree listed above, the following requirements must be satisfied in order to obtain a Bachelor of Christian Leadership degree:
Biblical/Theological Courses (20 credits)
- Theology I (4 credits)
- Theology 2 (4 credits)
- Christian Apologetics (3 credits)
- Evangelism: Presenting Grace (3 credits)
- Prayer (3 credits)
- Christian Ethics (3 credits)
Professional Studies Courses (22 credit hours)
- Life Coaching Ministry (3 credits)
- Leadership (3 credits)
- Thriving Marriages (4 credits)
- PeaceSmart Relationships (3 credits) OR Restoring Relationships – Transforming Justice (3 credits)
- Christian Entrepreneurship (3 credits)
- Multiplying Disciples with Francis Chan (2 credits)
- Christian Philosophy (3 credits)
- Bachelor of Divinity Degree (1 credit)
General Education Courses (3 credits)
Economics 101 (3 credits)
Available Concentration Electives (17-20 credits)
Students may take courses from the desired concentration categories below to reach a minimum of 17 elective credits, varying by Concentration. The total credits from your Bachelor degree courses must reach at least 130 credit hours
Theology and Philosophy Concentration (19-20 credits)
- Biblical Wisdom (4 credits)
- Early Church History (3 credits)
- Old Testament Story of Redemption (3 credits)
- Missions & Revivals (4 credits)
- Hermeneutics & Exegesis (3 credits)
- Philosophy of Religion (3 credits) OR Logic and Critical Thinking (3 credits) (AVAILABLE JUNE 1, 2020)
Church Planting Concentration (19-20 Credits)
- Developing House Churches (3 credits)
- Church Planting – Applied Marketing (4 credits)
- Hermeneutics and Exegesis (3 credits)
- Sermon Construction and Presentation (4 credits) or Preaching, Preparation, & Presentation (3 Credits)
- Ministry Care Conversations (3 credits)
- Creating Congregations of Belonging (3 Credits) or Comparative Religion (2 Credits)
Chaplaincy Concentration (19-20 Credits)
- Introduction to Chaplaincy/Chatplaincy (3 credits)
- Domestic Tranquility (3 credits) OR Creating Congregations of Belonging (3 credits)
- Ministry Care Conversations (3 credits)
- Developing House Churches (3 credits) OR Breaking the Cycle of Addictions (2 credits)
- Youth Ministry (3 credits) OR Youth Discipleship Ministry & Movement (3 credits) OR Women’s Ministry (3 credits)
- Hermeneutics & Exegesis (3 credits) OR Philosophy of Religion (3 credits)
- Comparative Religions (2 credits)
Biblical Studies Concentration (20 Credits)
- The Old Testament Story of Redemption (3 credits)
- Hermeneutics & Exegesis (3 credits)
- The Book of Acts (3 credits)
- Biblical Interpretation I (4 credits)
- Biblical Interpretation II (4 credits)
- Early Church History (3 credits)
Enterprise/Business Concentration (20 Credits)
- Biblical Standards for Businesses (3 credits)
- Business Management for Every Enterprise (4 credits)
- Business Finance for Every Enterprise (4 credits)
- Online Enterprise Marketing (3 credits)
- Microeconomics (3 credits)
- Financial Liberty 101 (3 credits)
Youth Ministry Concentration (18-19 Credits)
- Youth Ministry (3 credits)
- Youth Discipleship Ministry & Movement (3 credits)
- Introduction to Chaplaincy/Chatplaincy (3 credits) OR Creating Congregations of Belonging (3 Credits)
- Missions and Revivals (4 credits)
- Ministry Care Conversations (3 credits)
- Developing House Churches (3 credits) OR Domestic Tranquility (3 credits) OR Breaking the Cycle of Addiction (2 credits)
Women’s Ministry Concentration (20-21 Credits)
- Women’s Ministry (3 credits)
- Introduction to Chaplaincy/Chatplaincy (3 credits)
- Creating Congregations of Belonging (3 Credits)
- Women and Leadership in Early Christianity (3 credits)
- Ministry Care Conversations (3 credits)
- Early Church History (3 credits) OR Preaching, Preparation, and Presentation (3 credits)
- Domestic Tranquility (3 credits) OR Breaking the Cycle of Addiction (2 credits)
Bachelor of Christian Leadership: Minimum of 130 total credits
The CLI's Leadership Excellence School connects to Christian Leaders Institute where you take your free courses. The courses are transfered to CLI's Leadership Excellence School. CLI's Leadership Excellence School oversees the process so that your work adheres to the accreditation standards of the United States Department of Education.
Truly, a free college education courses option is available to the world through Christian Leaders Institute and a no debt low administration fee college degree is available through CLI's Leadership Excellence School.