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Earn College Credentials
Earn Certificates, Diplomas, And Degrees in ministry
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Introducing CLI's Leadership Excellence School

We offer a unique generosity-driven model. What this means for you is that not only are the classes that you take for your ministry degree here 100% free but so are all the materials needed to complete your classes! Rather than obtaining our funding through tuition, we get our funding through optional donations made by students and Christian donors. This means that each degree you complete at CLI's Leadership Excellence School will only cost a $1,250 Administration Fee. Making the total cost to achieve both an Associates and Bachelor's degree only $2,625. This includes a one-time $125 college admission fee.
We have quality religious accreditation through the International Association of Bible Colleges and and Seminaries (IABCS). We also have received applicant status for USDE-recognized accreditation through the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE).
Degrees Offered
Associate of Divinity Degree
Associate in Christian Living Degree
Associate of Chaplaincy Degree
Associate of Workplace Ministry Degree
Associate of Ministry Degree
Associate in Christian Enterprise Degree
Associate of Christian Leadership Degree
Bachelor of Divinity Degree
Bachelor in Christian Living Degree
Bachelor of Ministry Degree
Bachelor of Workplace Ministry Degree
Bachelor of Chaplaincy Degree
Bachelor of Christian Leadership Degree
Bachelor of Divinity Degree
Diplomas Offered
Diploma of Divinity
Continuing Ministry Diploma
Christian Marriage Diploma
Workplace Ministry Diploma
Christian Enterprise Diploma
Diploma of Ministry
Commissioned Pastoral Diploma
Certificates Offered
Continuing Ministry Certificate
Workplace Ministry Certificate
Christian Enterprise Certificate
Christian Leaders Certificate
Chaplaincy Certificate
Commissioned Pastoral Certificate
Women's Ministry Certificate
Advanced Workplace Ministry Certificate
Advanced Christian Enterprise Certificate
Certificate of Ministry
Sign Up FOr Free Today
"I just enrolled and am only on my second class. I am finding the information to be clear and well presented. The teachers and other students are so friendly and helpful. The classes are free, thanks to our Vision Partners (student donors). We can earn real degrees and diplomas for much less than other schools. I'm studying Women's Ministry."
Kim Keck
CLI Student
"The online classes are incredible. The dynamics of the lectures and reading information combined are structured for your success. I have been in training for most parts throughout my careers and find all the support materials and mindset to be focused on your success. I enjoy every course.
I love, love this opportunity! DO NOT MISS OUT!"
Tom Moore
CLI Student
"I believe in Christian Leaders Institute for many reasons. I have attended Moody Bible College and I was surprised to find the curriculum at CLI to be just as challenging if not more so...for those who are not believers in free ministry training I challenge you to take a course or two and compare that with a regular university, and you will surprised."
Horace Dobson
CLI Student
Enroll at Christian Leaders Institute For Free:
No obligations, stop at any time, 100% risk free.
- Free High-Quality Online Ministry Training
- Dozens of College Credentials Available
- 90+ Generosity-Driven Online Courses
- Study Anywhere, Anytime, At Your Own Pace
- Join Over 240,000 Enrolled CLI Students
get started in three easy steps:
1. Enroll at Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) For Free and create your student account
2. Complete the fast and free admissions course - this course will teach you all the basics about CLI as well as how to navigate and use the program.
3. Transfer over to Christian leaders college by enrolling in the CLI's Leadership Excellence School Admissions course. Then, Start Taking All The free Courses Required Towards the degree you want to Achieve.
2. Complete the fast and free admissions course - this course will teach you all the basics about CLI as well as how to navigate and use the program.
3. Transfer over to Christian leaders college by enrolling in the CLI's Leadership Excellence School Admissions course. Then, Start Taking All The free Courses Required Towards the degree you want to Achieve.