Can I talk to someone?

You can set up a time to chat with a team member to give personalized assistance for our degrees here


What is your denomination?

Christian Leaders Institute is non-denominational and draws from the rich biblical perspectives that resonate in many denominations and traditions of Christianity. At Christian Leaders Institute (CLI), we firmly believe in the power of unity in Christ. Ephesians 4:3 instructs us, “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace,” underlining the transformative impact of Christian leadership. CLI also embraces many Christian traditions as a well-rounded educational institution. We honor the Bible as the Word of God while acknowledging and valuing the diversity of perspectives within the Christian community. Our commitment is to foster an environment where we can learn from one another and work together to serve God’s kingdom. Statement of Faith This Statement of Faith was adopted by Christian Leaders Institute when CLI began offering classes in 2006. Since then, the Christian Leaders Institute Statement of Faith has guided the development of the classes and worldview. 

What do you believe about the Bible? The Bible is God’s inerrant, infallible, reliable Word, the only final authority for faith and life. (Proverbs 30:5-6; Isaiah 8:20; John 10:35; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:21) 

Who is God? God is Trinity, an eternal, loving unity of three divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:19; John 14:26; 2 Corinthians 13:14) God Created the World God created the universe ex nihilo, from nothing, and made all things very good. (Genesis 1-2; Exodus 20:11; Hebrews 11:3) God Created Humanity God created humanity in his image to glorify and enjoy God and to be stewards of creation. (Genesis 1:26-28; Psalm 8; Isaiah 43:7; Revelation 4:11; Psalm 37:4) 

What is the fall? Humanity has fallen into sin, and we are totally unable to save ourselves. (Genesis 3; Romans 3:12, 23; Romans 5:12) 

Who is Jesus? Jesus, the promised Messiah of Israel, is fully God and fully man. (Matthew 1:21-23; John 1:1,14; 20:28; Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:14) Jesus’ Life and Victory Jesus was born of a virgin, obeyed God perfectly, worked great miracles, died on a cross, rose from the dead, ascended to heaven, and reigns over all things. (Luke 1:26-35, Hebrews 4:15; John 14:11, Luke 23-24, Ephesians 1:20-23) Salvation is a Work of God Salvation is merited only by Jesus’ perfect obedience and substitutionary atonement. (Isaiah 53; Hebrews 7:26-27; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Acts 4:12) Salvation is Not Our Work Salvation is entirely God’s gift, not our achievement, and is received by faith in Christ, not works. (John 3:16; Romans 1:16-17; Galatians 2:16-21) 

Who is The Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit gives new birth, unites us to Christ, assures us of His love, leads us in His truth, forms us in His character, equips us with His gifts, and empowers us to be His ambassadors. (John 3:3-8; Acts 1:8; Romans 8; 1 Corinthians 12; Galatians 5:16-26; Ephesians 3:16-21) The Church The church is the one body of God’s people throughout all generations and from all nations. (Romans 12:5; Galatians 3:26-29; Ephesians 1:22-23; Revelation 7:9) 

What are the Angels of God? God’s holy angels defend and help God’s people. (Psalm 34:7, 91:11; Matthew 18:10; Hebrews 1:14) 

Who are the Fallen Angels? Satan and other fallen angels are dangerous but doomed. Christ is victor. (Ephesians 6:10-18; Colossians 2:15; 1 Peter 5:8; Revelation 12:10-12 Christ Will Return and the Dead Will Be Raised Christ will return visibly. The dead will be raised. Christ will rule the world and make all things new. (Matthew 24:30; 1Cor. 15:52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 21:1-5) 

What do you believe about the New Heaven and New Earth? God’s people will rejoice forever in the new heaven and new earth. God’s enemies will suffer forever in hell. (Daniel 12:2-3; Matthew 25:31-46; Revelation 22:1-5; 2 Thessalonians 1:9) 

What do you believe about marriage? Sexual intimacy is for marriage only. Christian marriage is a lifelong union of a man and a woman. (Genesis 2:22-25; Matthew 5:27-32; Matthew 19:3-9; 1 Corinthians 7:1-11) God Relates to Families God’s covenant addresses not only individuals but also their families. (Genesis 17:7; 18:19; Deuteronomy 7:9; Joshua 24;15; Psalm 103:17; Acts 11:14; 16:15,31) We Are Able to Walk with God As individuals, as couples, and as families, we need a daily conversation with God through Bible reading and prayer. (Psalm 1; Daniel 6:10; Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Ephesians 6:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:17) 

How do you live a Christian life? We Love Because He Loved Us God calls us to a holy life of love, as depicted in the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 20:1-17; Mark 12:30-31; John 14:15; Romans 13:8-10; 1 Corinthians 13) We Honor Christ in Everything God calls us to a worldview and way of life in which we seek to honor Christ in every area of thought and action. (Psalm 24:1; Colossians 3:17; 2 Corinthians 10:5) 

What do you believe about Evangelism? We Share the Good News God calls us to spread the gospel to people who don’t yet follow Christ. (Psalm 96:3; Matthew 5:14; Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Peter 3:15)


What is your Mission?

Christian Leaders Institute is a higher education institution with the mission to launch leaders worldwide with deep biblical knowledge, vibrant godliness, strong and empowered ministry skills, and a passion for making disciples, expanding God’s church, and sparking a revival.


What are your Missional Goals?


Available Education – Personal, Ministry, or Professional

Education for persons called by God to grow in their Christian walk and to serve in ministry for the advancement of the gospel, whether personal, volunteer, part-time, or full-time.

Faithful Education – Based on the Bible and Christian Theology

The development of the student’s knowledge of the Bible and spiritual formation to enable building a worldview and way of life rooted in and centered around Jesus Christ.

Diverse – Global Impact

The expansion of students’ skills and understanding of their call and gifts for the advancement of effective ministry in diverse cultural contexts.

Relational – Local Connections of Learning

Understand the meaning and explore the importance of relational ministry utilizing a local mentor who encourages and models holistic improvement for ministry.

Credentialed – Christian Development, Degrees, and Clergy Program

Education to achieve the necessary credentials and recognition for ministry opportunities worldwide.

Leadership – Dedicated Administrators and Staff with Integrity

Connect to institutional personnel that model integrity, a culture of improvement, and educational effectiveness.

Library – Learning resources to support study and information literacy

Accessible learning resources of diverse media for the support of teaching and learning.

Faculty – Professors who model and connect

Qualified and credentialed practitioners who are trustworthy in teaching and guiding their students in their personal and professional ministry preparation.


What is your history? 

Christian Leaders Institute history began on September 11, 2001, after Henry experienced the September 11, 2001, tragedy in person. Shortly after that, Rev. Henry Reyenga Jr. started Christian Leaders NFP under the encouragement of Rich DeVos Sr. and Ron Parr, who agreed to be part of the founding board of directors. The founding mission of Christian Leaders, NFP, (DBA Christian Leaders Institute) was to raise up reproducible Christian leaders to spread Christianity everywhere. Henry and his wife Pam committed themselves to this calling and work.

The Problem

Approximately 45 million Americans are currently in college debt. Tuition is skyrocketing making higher education less and less accessible. Despite this, more than 60% of jobs in the US require a college degree. 

Balancing work and family life with education can be difficult for many Christians on top of the cost of traditional higher education. In addition, access to education can be an issue especially globally. 

Our Solution

Our solution is simply following the model of Jesus’ ministry. Jesus spent the core of his ministry educating his disciples. He taught them to become multipliers of the Gospel throughout the world. This model of education is just as important today, but is often neglected, especially at the college-level. Christian Leaders Institute believes that those who are called to be gospel-multipliers should be highly educated, but with a barrier-free education. 


How is the education funded and supported?

CLI operates on the principle of generosity and the spirit of “giving it forward”. We are tithe and offering funded, relying on the kindness of students and Christians worldwide who donate to make this opportunity universally available. 

It’s a beautiful, self-perpetuating cycle: Those who benefit from our offerings feel moved to contribute so that others may share in the experience. Their donations then enable us to continue offering our range of over 150 free Biblical courses, to inspire personal soul growth, ministry training, and ultimately, the creation of Christian leaders around the globe. In fact, over 50% of Christian Leaders budget is funded by students and alumni.

Through their contributions, donors are investing in more than a program—they are investing in lives, in futures, and in the propagation of the Word of God.

Breaking Down Barriers to Education

Christian Leaders offers over 165 college level courses and mini-courses that are 100% free and online. 

Furthermore, students can study at their own pace our correspondent style courses on any device that has access to the internet.

Christian Leaders also provides affordable programs for awards, certificates, diplomas, degrees, and an ordination path. 


What are your fee costs?

A bachelor degree program costs ONLY $3,125 with Christian Leaders 

An associate degree program costs only $1,625 

Official ordinations can be for as low as $125

Diplomas cost $100

Certificates cost $75

Awards cost $50

Also, students in countries with lower economic status receive adjusted prices for any of our credentials through grants and full-ride scholarships.


Looking to transfer previously earned credits into a CLI degree program?

Christian Leaders Institute’s Leadership Excellence school offers all the required courses and credits needed to complete each degree program, but if you have taken any of these required courses/credits at another college, you can send your official transcript to Christian Leaders Institute for evaluation. You must be admitted into the Leadership Excellence School or have completed the Institute Verification class in order to be eligible for this process.


The transcript must be official and sent to us directly by the institution in order for any courses/credits to be transferred. Courses must have a C- or higher grade to be eligible for transfer.

Request the college to send your transcript in a sealed envelope to:

Christian Leaders Institute

Attn: Registrar

17771 West Spring Lake Road

Spring Lake, MI 49456

United States of America


The educational institution can email the transcripts directly to:


Looking to transfer credits earned at CLI out to another institution?

To send your transcript to another school, there is a verification fee of $75 for students who have not completed a degree. For those who have completed a CL degree, it is $30 to transfer. 

The receiving institution determines the transfer of academic credits to that institution. Students who plan to transfer credits out of CLI are advised to check with the receiving institution. For more information on this, read our catalog here. 

Further instructions on this process are included in either the Leadership Excellence School Admission course or the Institute Verification course, depending on your program pathway.


Are CLI’s programs accredited?

Christian Leaders Institute holds candidate status with the Association for Biblical Higher Education Commission on Accreditation, 5850 T. G. Lee Blvd., Ste. 130, Orlando, FL 32822, 407.207.0808. Candidate status is a pre-accreditation status granted to those institutions that meet the ABHE Conditions of Eligibility and that possess such qualities as may provide a basis for achieving accreditation status within five years.


What is Christian Leaders Institute (CLI)?

Christian Leaders Institute is a non-profit educational institution that offers free, high-quality ministry training to individuals who are seeking to become effective Christian leaders, ministers, pastors, and servants in their communities. CLI also offers low cost degrees, and partners with Christian Leaders Alliance to issue minister credentials. Learn more about CLI here.


Is CLI’s training really free?

Yes, CLI is committed to making high-quality ministry training accessible to everyone. We offer our courses at no cost, so individuals can receive the education they need without financial barriers. Programs like awards, certificates, and diplomas are also completely free with the option to purchase an official credential. Learn more about our free model here. 

There are low-costs for more personalized programs, such as college-level degrees. Learn more here.


What kind of programs does CLI offer?

CLI offers a wide range of programs, including:

Comprehensive courses covering topics like theology, leadership, evangelism, and pastoral care.




Associate and Bachelor’s Degrees

CLI houses two schools – the Christian Development school, which issues awards, certificates, and diplomas, & the Leadership Excellence school which administers college degrees.


Can I take CLI courses online?

Absolutely! All CLI courses are available only online, allowing you to study at your own pace and convenience from anywhere in the world. Learn more about the free courses here or view the online learning platform here.

Do I need any prior educational background to enroll?

No specific educational background is required to enroll in CLI programs. Our courses are designed to accommodate learners with varying levels of prior education.

The degree program admissions process does require proof of college readiness. 


Who can benefit from CLI’s offerings?

CLI’s training is suitable for anyone with a passion for ministry, leadership, and service within the Christian community. We have offerings that may interest those simply interested in Christianity, new Christians, or the general public. 

Whether you’re looking to become a pastor, a youth leader, a church planter, deepen your understanding of faith, or simply benefit from free education, CLI has something to offer.


How do I access the courses/learning platform?

It is as simple as creating your student account here:

Once you’re registered, you can browse our courses and start your learning journey.

If you would like to start your degree program journey, navigate here:


Are CLI’s instructors qualified?

Yes, CLI employs experienced instructors and professors who are knowledgeable in their respective fields. Many of our instructors hold advanced degrees and have extensive ministry experience. Learn more about our team here.


Can CLI’s training be used for ordination or ministry credentials?

Yes, CLI’s training can be a valuable resource for those seeking ordination or ministry credentials. Learn more about this process with Christian Leaders Alliance. 

It is recommended to check with your local church or governing body for specific guidelines, depending on the path that you wish to pursue.


Can I donate to CLI to support its mission?

Yes, CLI relies on the generous support of donors to continue offering free education. If you’d like to contribute to our mission, please visit the donation page on our website.


What kind of support does CLI provide to students?

Help Desk ( – offers general support and assistance to prospective and current students through email tickets

Course Department ( – offers course specific assistance

Student Services ( – provides support for the whole student, including those that may need accommodations 

Donor Advocate ( – welcomes and assists donors with giving-related needs

CLI’s Leadership Excellence School (set up a time to chat with an advisor here) – assist with admissions & finding the degree program that fits your calling

Community connection – learn about how to connect further here. 

If you have further questions about how we can support you, don’t hesitate to reach out through Help Desk!


Divinity Degree – If you’re eager to delve deeper into the teachings of the Bible and enhance your theological understanding, our Associate and Bachelor of Divinity degrees provide exceptional pathways. These degrees are designed to help you not only expand your knowledge of the Word but also cultivate your skills in preaching, theological exploration, and overall understanding of biblical principles. They offer a comprehensive educational journey for those passionate about strengthening their connection to spirituality and religious insights.


Chaplaincy Degree – Our Associates and Bachelors of Chaplaincy are ideal for those looking to work with people. They equip you with essential skills applicable to roles in counseling, hospice care, and similar fields. Through these programs, you’ll gain valuable knowledge and abilities to effectively connect and assist people in various meaningful ways.


Christian Leadership Degree –  Designed as a versatile degree to help you to be a well-rounded Christian leader applying a biblical worldview in a wide variety of life situations: business, trades, home, church, ministries. The Bachelor of Christian Leadership provides you a double major: a Bible/Theology major and a Ministry major. In addition, you can choose a concentration in an area you want to focus on. If you want a triple major that includes business or philosophy, that is an option with this degree.


Degree Program Features

100% Online

Study at your own pace

Affordable degrees with flexible payments

Intuitive & simple learning platform

Fast & friendly support

Qualified & knowledgeable faculty

Accredited college partner institutions 


Why is there a cost for the degree?

The degree fees support the administrative cost of accreditation compliance. Compliance is adherence to United States Department of Education standards of accreditation on an organization level and on an individualized level. Learn more about accreditation here.


How much does a degree cost?

Application Fee: $125


Associate Degree: $2,000


Bachelor Degree: $2,000 


Students who wish to pursue a Bachelor degree right away can enter that program and pay $4,000


Please note: there is tier-adjusted pricing for those in developing nations. 


Learn more about the fees here.


Do I have to pay in full?

It is not required that you pay in full. We offer payment plans as low as $25 a month.


What if I want a degree in a field other than those offered at CLI?

While each of our degrees can serve students looking to enter any field, we would highly recommend you take advantage of our fantastic pricing. You can earn an associate degree, or individual credits with us, and then transfer into a program in your desired field. Ultimately, we encourage you to talk with prospective employers & research what is standard for your desired career. This will be your best guide in deciding your educational pathway.

Do you offer master’s or doctorate programs?

No, but we offer lots of options with partners for master’s or doctorate programs.

Whether students are interested in using their CLI degree to pursue a Master’s program or desire to transfer their credits to an undergraduate program, there are many exciting opportunities.

Liberty University

LU is a private Evangelical university that offers over 600 degrees at the Bachelor, Master or Doctoral level – online and in-person. CLI students are eligible for this transfer partnership and can transfer their college credits. LU outlined several Bachelor degrees that might be of interest to CLI students, including:

Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies (a very customizable degree that allows students to select specific areas of study), Bachelor of Science in Bible, Bachelor of Science in Cultural Engagement, and Bachelor of Science in Religion.

Check out LU’s Partnership Page and Transfer Equivalency Guide:

Northpoint Bible College and Seminary

Northpoint Bible College exists to teach and train students for Excellent Pentecostal Ministry in fulfillment of The Great Commission. NPBC accepts CLI graduates into their graduate program after they have passed a Biblical Knowledge test and have successfully presented an academic paper.

View CLI & Northpoint’s ministry partnership page:

Calvin Theological Seminary

Calvin Seminary is a Reformed seminary that is globally recognized for its theological richness. Students who complete the Bachelor of Divinity program through CLI are eligible to apply for admission to the M.Div, MA, and MTS programs at Calvin Theological Seminary.

Visit Calvin Seminary’s Website:

Western Theological Seminary

Western is an evangelical and ecumenical community of faith and learning in the Reformed tradition. They will accept into their Master of Divinity degree CLI Bachelor’s of Divinity degree graduates. The Western Theological Seminary Admissions Department can help with the application process.

Learn more about Western’s Admissions:


NationsUniversity’s mission is to build authentic faith and train Christian leaders. By focusing on Bible and ministry, students will develop the knowledge and skills needed for service in the Kingdom of God through any of the three graduate programs offered. Due to the demonstrated quality of CLI alumni, NationsUniversity joyfully accepts qualified graduate program applicants who have completed their bachelor’s degree at CLI.

City Vision University

CVU is a non-profit Christian university that offers undergrad degrees in non-profit management, counseling, leadership as well as Masters of Business and Orgizational Leadership. City Vision recognizes course credit and degrees from CLI.

More about this partnership:

Northern Seminary

Northern Seminary is an online and in-person Christian school that offers a range Master’s degrees. Northern Seminary will accept into their Master of Divinity degree program Christian Leaders Institute Bachelor of Divinity degree graduates.

Discover more about Northern’s MDiv here:

Vision International University

Vision International is an American interdenominational Christian Seminary that offers distance education and online academic degree programs designed to prepare people for professional ministry. CLI has a reciprocal agreement with Vision International University. Students and Graduates of CLI can transfer credits to Vision International University and vise versa


Kairos University

Kairos University allows you to deepen your roots in your local community by working with a mentor team and crafting an educational journey that encourages face-to-face interaction in your community. The cost of tuition is just $300/month.

Interested in any of these opportunities and have further questions? We encourage you to reach out to the partner institution as well as our Registrar’s Office (

If you are a Christian Leaders Institute student in the Christian Development school, please be aware that in most cases, you must become accepted to the Leadership Excellence school to be eligible for these partnerships. 


How do I get started in a degree program?

First, you have claimed free admission to our degree program. It is time to set up degree payments; we have payment plans as low as $25 to a pay-in-full option, which can save you money. Explore what would work best for you and fit your timeline for completing your degree program. Your degree payments are refundable for 30 days to ensure that you are totally satisfied with our courses and able to adhere to the standards of accreditation to be admitted into the degree program. After setting up payments, we will walk you through setting up a student account and getting enrolled in the admissions course. 


What is the degree admissions process like?

The degree admissions course walks students through step by step on all the requirements. First, it will inform you on the different degree options & help you discern which is the best fit for you. You will verify that you have claimed your free admissions, verify your identity, update/create your student profile, establish your college readiness & upload a letter of recommendation. Once you have finished these items, you will be accepted! Then all that is left to do is set up your degree payments (if you haven’t already) and we will enroll you into the degree program right for you. 


Is there an application deadline for the upcoming academic year?

Admissions are open year-round in alignment with our flexible education model. Students have the freedom to begin their studies at any time and can progress through the courses at their own pace. 


How long does it typically take to complete a degree program?

Students usually finish a degree program in a range of 1 to 4 years, depending on the pace they choose – accelerated or slower. The only time constraint imposed by CLI is that each course must be completed within 6 months.


Can you explain the curriculum of [specific degree program]?

To explore the curriculum for the various degree programs, visit this page:


How flexible is the course schedule for working professionals, parents, etc.? 

Our courses do not have a set schedule. Students can access them 24/7, giving them the ability to create their own study schedule. The majority of our learners are not full-time students & are able to integrate their program into their demanding daily life.  


Does CLI charge tuition?

No, there is no tuition for students in any program. Students do not pay per credit hour or per course. The fees simply cover the administrative costs of the programs and allow for adherence to our accreditation process & its standards. 

What types of financial aid are available for students? Are there scholarships or grants available for students?

Christian Leaders students are not eligible for federal financial aid. Despite this, CLI offers a robust grant program & offers full scholarships for those in need. Additionally, students have the option of low cost payment plans making the degree programs very accessible. 


Can I find employment by earning a degree with Christian Leaders Institute?

Absolutely, this is a great way for you to advance your career and find employment. Many of our students have gained employment from our degree program. We recommend looking at jobs you are interested in to see what employer are looking for.



What career paths do graduates of the Christian Leaders Institute typically pursue?

Typically, they pursue forms of employment in ministry jobs, church roles, business, and community outreach.


How does the institute support graduates in their ministry or career endeavors?

We have a variety of opportunities for our alumni graduates after they have finished one of the programs with Christian Leaders.

Mission Multipliers – You can recruit more Christian Leaders support and students lus you can get a commission.

Transfer Options – graduates who have you completed a degree and can transfer credits into another degree program like a master’s.

Soul Centers – For our alumni who are ministers with our Alliance if you are serving in ministry you can register your ministries on our Soul Center directory.

Alumni Donor – The continued support our alumni helps make sure that these courses remain free and the programs affordable.

Promote CLI -Do you want to promote Christian Leaders to your family, friends, and churches. We have promotional material available.

Take More Courses – We encourage all our alumni to keep taking the free courses offered to keep growing as they serve in the Lord.


What are the requirements for the Associate of Divinity?

Associate of Divinity Degree

You need 63 more credits to mark this activity complete

Designed to help you to become grounded in the Bible and theology, develop a biblical worldview, grow closer to Christ, and serve God in various kinds of Christian ministry and leadership. This degree also provides an excellent foundation if you plan to continue at CLI and earn a bachelor’s degree.


Degree Objectives

· Summarize the redemptive-historical story of the Bible and identify key truths

· State major elements of a biblical worldview and contrast with other worldviews

· Use spiritual disciplines to commune with Christ and conform to his character

· Explain biblical principles for ministry and best practices for interpersonal communication, healthy relationships, evangelism, and group dynamics in church

· Develop skills to gather information, think critically, and communicate clearly

To receive the
Associate of Divinity Degree
it requires a 2.00 GPA
and the completion of following courses:

Ethics (3 Cr)
History of World Christianity (4 Cr)
Church and Ministry (3 Cr)
Ministry Foundations (3 Cr)
New Testament Survey (3 Cr)
Old Testament Survey (3 Cr)
Pastoral Care (3 Cr)
Theology I (4 Cr)
Christian Basics: Introduction to Christian Doctrine (3 Cr)
People Smart for Ministry (3 Cr)
Total Fitness (3 Cr)
Introduction to Communication (3 Cr)
Christian Leaders Connections (3 Cr)
Leadership Excellence School Admissions (0 Cr)
College Writing (3 Cr)
College Writing Lab (1 Cr)
Capstone Associate of Divinity (1 Cr)

Introduction to Philosophy (3 Cr) or Logic and Critical Thinking (3 Cr) o

Transfer – Social Science 1 (3 Cr) or Introduction to Psychology (3 Cr) or Introduction to Economics (3 Cr)
or Introduction to Sociology (3 Cr)

Transfer – Mathematics 1 (3 Cr) or Transfer – Science 1 (3 Cr) or Astronomy (3 Cr)
or Introduction to Biology (3 Cr)
or Practical Mathematics (3 Cr)
or College Algebra (3 Cr)

9 Credits Minimum in any of these Categories:
Bible, Communication, Humanities, Interdisciplinary, Math, Ministry, Science, Social, Theology


Christian Leaders Institute, as part of accreditation standards must ensure they have authorization to offer education and/or degrees to students who are a resident in that state. When CLI began seeking accreditation, authorization inquiries were sent out. However, authorization is something that must be regularly reviewed for an institution as state laws may change during that time. Late last year, CLI reached out again to all 50 states regarding authorization or exemption from authorization. As part of this effort, CLI discovered that some states’ authorization process costs would be cost-prohibitive for CLI and/or that some state’s authorization or exemption hinges on whether an institution has governmentally-recognized accreditation. This means that students residing in those states will be unable to enroll into the LES Admissions process, earn credit, or pursue a degree at this time. Students residing in the following states will not be eligible for admission to the LES and its degree programs at this time, but they will be eligible for enrollment at the Christian Development school and pursuit of its programs as well as pursuit of Alliance programs at the Institute: District of Columbia (cost-prohibitive), New York (cost-prohibitive), New Jersey (cost-prohibitive), Delaware (cost-prohibitive) Rhode Island (cost-prohibitive), Utah (cost-prohibitive), Kentucky (must be accredited), North Dakota (must be accredited), Nevada (must be accredited), Virginia (must be accredited), Connecticut (must be accredited), Wyoming (must have candidate status), Illinois (must be accredited), Michigan (must be accredited), Oregon (time-intensive/lengthy documentation process for authorization; CLI will seek authorization, but it will take time)*