Chris Weedin –

“My name is Chris Weedin and I am a lifetime Christian living in the USA.  While we enjoy tremendous financial and material benefits, our country has been enduring a long slide away from our founding fathers’ moral and Biblical roots.  I have lived with this decay for my entire life and believe that it is the responsibility of every American Christian to stand in its way, relying on the power of God, the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and the teachings of Christ to give us the strength to do just that.

“I have served in various lay ministries in the past forty years, and recently have been called to more direct service by God as the Associate Pastor of a small rural church.  I know in my heart that God has placed me and my family in this position to powerfully influence our community in His name and for His glory:  to bring healing, change lives and provide hope and strength as only God can.  My dream is to fulfill this calling to the very best of my God given abilities and let Him blow the spiritual doors off of this community.”Chris Weedin

Chris Weedin Receives a Scholarship

“As a happily married father of two with a mortgage and a second career, I simply can’t afford the education that is critical to carrying out my mission.  Without CLI, I would not be able to continue.

“The support, training and educational opportunities provided by CLI are invaluable to me and to my church and to my town and every soul in it.  The prayers of CLI staff and all other believers are likewise critical support as I move forward in faith and power to do God’s will in the world.”

Chris Weedin has been serving God in various capacities for his entire life. Yet, he sees something that troubles him. Chris Weedin sees a Christian culture that is moving away from the core of the teachings of Christ and toward liberalism or legalism. Today, Chris Weedin is called to an associate pastor position, and he wants to deepen his understanding of God and the Bible so that he can be more effective at this position. Chris Weedin knows that with a scholarship at Christian Leaders Institute, he will be better equipped to serve in the leadership position God has given him.


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