
Become a Ministry Chaplain through Christian Leaders Institute

Enroll Today to Start Your Chaplain Journey!

Are you feeling a divine call towards the role of a Chaplain? Do you feel a compelling need to help others? Do you experience joy and fulfillment in sharing the presence of God?

Chaplains carry out numerous religious duties within their designated institution or organization. Some individuals take on the role of a chaplain on a voluntary or part-time basis, serving local community organizations such as police departments, fire stations, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) groups, and other civic organizations. While this role does require some level of ministry training, the certification and clergy recognition programs are less extensive compared to the requirements for becoming a full-time professional chaplain.

So, what exactly does a chaplain do? Here are some of their responsibilities:

  • They organize and deliver sermons at chapel services.
  • They lead or administer the rite of communion.
  • They perform wedding ceremonies.
  • They conduct official rites.
  • They provide counselling and prayers for those in need.
  • They offer spiritual guidance to those seeking it.

If you feel a divine calling to assist people as a ministry chaplain, the Christian Leaders Institute can equip you with all the necessary training. We offer a variety of classes that will provide you with theological knowledge and practical application skills for chaplaincy and leadership roles within the Christian church.

Becoming a Ministry Chaplain through Christian Leaders Institute

Welcome to our Ministry Chaplaincy Program at the Christian Leaders Institute! This program is an essential part of our commitment to equip you for the diverse and dynamic calling of ministry chaplaincy. From the responsibilities of serving prison, military, and hospital professional chaplains or ministries to the innovative opportunities in online chat-based ministry, we cover it all.

Our mission is to foster a rich environment for biblical and theological reflection on the practice of chaplaincy. As you progress through the program, you will develop the personal qualities and skills needed to effectively embody Christ’s healing presence in some of life’s most challenging situations.

A Centerpiece to this program is a 3 credit Introduction to Chaplaincy (3 credits) – Click here to View Course as a Guest

Introduction to Chaplaincy Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of this course, you will:

  • Comprehend and implement biblical principles and practical guidelines for chaplaincy.
  • Cultivate the personal qualifications and skills essential for the chaplaincy role.
  • Understand basic practices for ministering to the ill, grieving, and dying.
  • Gain familiarity with various types of chaplaincy positions, along with the general guidelines for serving in roles such as a firehouse chaplain, military chaplain, and prison chaplain.
  • Identify and discuss the theological underpinnings of chaplaincy.

Whether your calling is in the with an club, ministry, hospitals, prisons, firehouses, or even online chat-based ministry, the Christian Leaders Institute is here to prepare you. We are dedicated to equipping you with the knowledge, practical skills, and spiritual insights required to navigate the rich tapestry of chaplaincy.

In the Chaplaincy Program at the Christian Leaders Institute, you won’t just learn about the roles and responsibilities of a chaplain – you will be embarking on a transformative journey towards becoming a beacon of God’s love and healing presence in the world.

Christian Leaders Alliance Ministry Chaplain Ordination Options

The Christian Leaders Alliance collaborates with the Christian Leaders Institute to offer ordination credentials to individuals who have successfully completed a series of courses and provided the necessary recommendations.

Within the realm of chaplaincy, there exists a distinction between a Ministry Chaplain and a Professional Career Chaplain. Ministry Chaplains often serve as volunteers for various clubs and organizations, such as motorcycle clubs or country clubs. They might also be affiliated with a Soul Center, providing chaplaincy services to their local community. These chaplains can further extend their services on a volunteer or part-time basis to institutions like hospitals, prisons, police departments, and fire departments.

On many occasions, hospice nurses or other caregivers may wish to receive training and ordination as Ministry Chaplains, particularly when their work involves serving at senior care facilities or hospice centers.

This role is particularly suitable for retired caregivers who wish to volunteer their time and expertise in hospitals. They can utilize their nursing experiences, now serving as Ministry Chaplains, thus continuing to positively impact their communities.

The Christian Leaders Alliance offers a variety of Ordained Roles for individuals to pursue. Each role can be attained through dedicated study at the Christian Leaders Institute and subsequent ordination through the Christian Leaders Alliance.

Ministry Chaplain Ordination Programs

Christian Leaders Alliance a Diakonos, Presbuteros and Episcopos ordination levels.

Diakonos Level (Primary)

Licensed Ministry Chaplain – This ordination role is at the licensed level, implying that it provides comprehensive training in all the essential areas necessary to serve as an ordained ministry chaplain. Typically, this program requires about six months of committed part-time study. You will need one background endorsement for this role. 

Nine Courses

Total: 18 Units


Total Mini-Courses: 6

Presbuteros Level (Advanced)

There are two Presbuteros roles. This presbuteros level are for those individuals who want to advance in their confidence and competence as ministry chaplains.

Associate Chaplain – The Associate Chaplain is a classic ordination role at Christian Leaders Institute. An Associate Chaplain has the traditional study requirements to assist professional career chaplains.This Ordination often fits someone who desires to acquire the Christian Leaders Institute bachelor degree and pursue master level study at one our partnering institutions. One recommendation is required.

Ordained Ministry Chaplain
The Ordained Ministry Chaplain program offers advanced training in numerous areas of ministry. This extensive program includes 62 full courses as well as a variety of mini-courses. It’s specifically designed for individuals seeking a deeper understanding of chaplaincy topics, thereby increasing their confidence and competence in serving as a ministry chaplain.

Total Courses: 62 Credits


Mini-Courses: 12

Episcopos Level (Ministry Mastery)

The Episcopos level training is for those who want to master the skills of being a Ministry Chaplain. Some Institutions or Organizations will hire Chaplains who have completed this rigorous program. Christian businesses may want to employ a Ministry Chaplain who have completed this program.

Kingdom Chaplain 

The Kingdom Chaplain Ordination Program provides in-depth ministry mastery in the field of ministry chaplaincy. This program’s level of training is nearly equivalent to that offered through the Bachelor’s degree in Chaplaincy from the Christian Leaders Degree Program. This comprehensive training prepares a Kingdom Chaplain well for part-time or full-time roles in organizations that do not require a bachelor’s degree, but acknowledge and value the rigorous expertise acquired through this mastery-level training. This ordination credential require three endorsements.


Total 12 Mini-Courses

What if I want to be a Career Chaplain?

Depending on where you are called to be a career chaplain, there are additional requirements. For instance, in the U.S. military and many hospitals, chaplains must:

Become ordained. Ordination can be done through the Christian Leaders Alliance while you do your bachelor’s degree.

Must have a Bachelor’s degree. A Bachelor’s degree can be done through the Christian Leaders Institute degree program with some low Ministry Shares (fees)

Must have an Accredited Masters Degree with Chaplaincy Focus

This can be done through our partnership with Kairos, an accredited program suited for graduates of Christian Leaders Institute  Click here for more details.


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